It’s our Anniversary! Whoop! Whoop!

It’s our Anniversary! Whoop! Whoop!

Do you know what today is?!?! It's our Anniversary! Anniversary!

It’s our Anniversary! Whew! We Made it! One Year! 

One Year | 2 Countries |75 Customers | and over 250 Products sold!

We couldn't have done it without y'all! 

It has been such a rewarding experience especially sharing it with you all. There were hiccups, highs, lulls, elation and adjustments {even a Pandemic} during this journey, yet we made it ya'll!


Angella Irving wanted a space to form a community, express creativity while providing safe and effective skincare products! It's important for us to be a source of comfort knowing that we are conscientious of the ingredients we use, their implication on our health as well as the sustainability of our brand.

Love! Love! Love!

We have a few exciting developments in the mix, finalizing our new product label designs and packaging along with collaborations and content! 

Your support means so much to us and we are entirely grateful! 

 Angella Irving needs your Feedback!  Please email us or leave a product Review on our Website and follow us on our Social Media platforms!

Live, be blessed, stressed free & love the skin you're In!


Christine Irvinlyn

P.S. COVID-19 is not over! Stay Safe & Be Well!

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AnnasysEmiFt – Avoyaziz Iguvukozu

imexutiloyuy – Omocif Adereyuic


This year my skin has glown like never before. Consistent use of Angella Irving has literally changed my skin for the better- my baseline is a constant supple luster. Thank you soo much for sharing the gift of Angela Irving to the world a year ago, here is to many more!! 🥳


Happy anniversary! 1 whole year experiencing such an amazing product!


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