2021 Skincare Survival Guide

2021 Skincare Survival Guide

2020 is that year which will go down in infamy. It started off with such hope, such promise, the beginning of a new era and three months later it was the plot of the Contagion movie.

We adjusted to our new normal thinking it was just a phase; however, the pandemic raged on, people lost their jobs, loved ones and many lost their minds; although a few of us definitely gained a few pounds (the COVID 19).

Amidst the continued fight for the basic human right to live, lies from the oval office and the war on Maskne, we strived to survive in anyway we can. Whether it was hiding from our family/kids with a bottle of fermented/ distilled juice or becoming the next Top Home Chef. Our lives were disrupted and routines discarded for lounge wear and Zoom Calls. 

As we side-eye 2021 and all that it has to offer, let's put in practice the following tips:

Skincare Survival Guide for 2021

 Establish a Skincare Routine 


Our skin is easy to neglect these days and it’s very important to be intentional about our skincare routine especially those who work remotely. Establishing a morning and evening routine will provide structure to your day and keep you skin healthy and glowing! 




It’s winter and our skin is affected by the dry frigid air. Exfoliate 2-3 times a week and don’t forget to shave from time to time, it’ll prepare your skin to receive and absorb your moisturizer better.




Every single day. Once or twice a day. Buy a humidifier to add moisture to your air. Drink half your body weight in water to moisturize your insides too!

Oh! Please wear Sunscreen. Daily. 



Move! Stretch! Run! Walk! Jump rope ! Do anything to stimulate blood flow, make you sweat and increase your endorphins!  



Our body needs rest to recharge all our systems including our skin.



Pray and meditate, carve out time for yourself, It's okay to be Selfish!  2020 has taught me that life is a blessing, kindness isn’t only reserved for others you must be kind to yourself and self-care is a necessity.

Thank you for all the support and love you shown Angella Irving!

Good riddance 2020 ! Cheers to 2021!! 

Happy New Year!!  


Christine Irvinlyn

 P.s. Comment below on what you learned in 2020 and what you’re looking forward to in 2021!


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What I have learned in 2020 is that everything can be taken away in a instant !! Also that your overall health is super important . ( physical , emotional , spiritual ). Remember that it’s okay to say “No”. I am extremely grateful that the founder of Angella Irving has kept my bathroom stocked with great skin care products all year round . She has never missed a beat to remind me to moisturize my face daily .
As we enter into 2021 ; let’s all remember to continue putting God first , and not taking our family and friends for granted . May this year take Angella Irving to a higher level !

Angelene Robinson

One thing that I wasn’t in 2020 was ashy! No matter what was going on kept a glow all year thanks to Angella Irving!


2020 has taught me to appreciate everything you have in life. So many people lost loved ones, jobs, etc., however people gained appreciation of the importance of life itself. We survived and have grown.
Thank God!! 2021 please be good to us!
Thank you for all your tips, products and encouragement! Cheers to a great New Year!

Hermique Scarlett-Wilson

I loved this! Thank you so much for the tips!
In 2020, I learned that I need less than I thought to be truly happy and that God truly makes ALL things beautiful in His time.

In 2021, I’m looking forward to growth and all of the magnificence God has in store for me.

Happy New Year and all the best to you!

Obiageliaku Chiapa

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